Welcome to Aesthetic Dental Clinique, Diane I. Hines, DDS

Opening Hours : M-Th 9am - 7pm
  Contact : Southfield 248-358-4000 | Detroit 313-533-6500

Custom Gorgeous Dentures

Custom  Gorgeous Dentures – Beautiful teeth that look and feel like your own.

What are Custom Gorgeous Dentures?

Recognizing that her patients who needed dentures were not happy with teeth that looked artificial, Dr. Hines enlisted Sherri, who is a lab technician with over 30 years of experience. As a result, the duo perfected a system by which they could make sure that the dentures they made were beautiful and natural-looking as well as comfortable and functional. They call these “Custom Gorgeous Dentures.”

“Custom Gorgeous Dentures appear more natural because they are designed and handcrafted especially to complement your personality, age, sex, and physical appearance. When you elect to have Custom Gorgeous Dentures, we take special measures to make sure that your smile is absolutely beautiful.”

___ Dr. Diane I. Hines

Aesthetic Dental Clinique Lab Tech photos

Hand-crafted dentures for a beautiful smile

When you come to Dr. Hines for dentures, she and Sherri, our in house lab technician will partner with you every step of the way to make sure that you receive the exact smile makeover that you are looking for.

Custom Gorgeous Dentures offer more than just an attractive denture that will enhance your appearance. Moreover, we design these dentures to provide you with better chewing and biting than normal dentures. All of our Custom Gorgeous Dentures:

  • Feature teeth that are individually hand-set so you can have a youthful, natural look
  • Are matched in tooth size to the size of your face
  • Give you choices in tooth shape and color
  • Are compared to photos of you before you lost your teeth to make sure that your new smile is naturally your own.

Advantages of Custom Gorgeous Dentures

  • Natural in appearance
  • Look and feel like yourself

The dentures that you receive from our office are exquisite, because we match them perfectly to fit your face. Above all, our goal is to create natural looking dentures for you that make you look and feel like yourself again.

Teeth play a vital role in defining who you are. They give each face a unique identity, just as the eyes and nose make each face distinctive and easily recognized.

Eat and smile naturally

Your natural teeth were unique in size, shape, arrangement, and in the support they gave your lips and cheeks. The closer we can get the artificial teeth to how your natural teeth were, the more you look and feel like your old self. Our goal in setting your artificial teeth, then, is to fit them in the same manner as your natural teeth. When we do this, your bite looks and feels natural. You can smile without feeling self-conscious, and you can eat the foods that you like comfortably and normally.

Even someone with the most beautiful smile and straight teeth may have teeth that are not precisely aligned. Instead, the placement of the teeth varies slightly to create a beautiful and natural smile line.

Dr. Hines is a Cosmetic Artist who has practiced her craft for over 30 years. She and Sherri, our in house lab technician will use every tool and possible resource to make sure that your dentures aren’t just “fine.” She will make sure that they are nothing short of Gorgeous.

Feel confident with your natural-looking dentures

So that you may have a Custom Gorgeous smile, Dr. Hines and Sherri (our in lab technician) will take the time and care to craft your dentures individually, and to make sure that you are happy with the size, shape, color and fit of your new teeth.

As part of our procedures, you can expect that we will:

  • Match the tooth size to the size of your face. All too often, artificial teeth can look exactly that — artificial. Off the shelf teeth could be too large for your face, or too small. Either way, they call attention to themselves and don’t look right. At Aesthetic Dental, we make sure that your new teeth fit your face, perfectly.
  • We give you choices in tooth shape and color. No one knows your mouth and your teeth like you do. Thus, we’ll  provide you with a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to choose from. Whether you want to replicate your old smile or enhance it in your new one, we’ll help you choose teeth that will be uniquely right for you.
  • We spend time with you to get to know you. Your smile should reflect your distinct personality. Therefore, you’ll want to look and feel like yourself when you smile, and that’s exactly what we want, too.
  • We ask for photos of you before you lost your teeth. It’s important to us that when you smile, you look like you. So, by looking at your photos, we can be sure to match size, shape and placement of your new teeth.
  • We hand-set each tooth. For most dentures, many dentists will place your teeth a lab, without having a thorough understanding of your unique teeth and smile. Here, Dr. Hines and Sherri (our in house lab technician) will hand-set each of your new teeth, making sure to get each one as closely as possible to where your natural teeth were. Consequently, your new teeth will look and feel natural.
  • If possible, we utilize pre-extraction dental records to aid in tooth placement.
  • We make sure that your dentures are secure. Dr. Hines is experienced in the most advanced techniques available in the dental field. Thus, the teams works hard to make your dentures feel natural and comfortable.

Get a Complimentary Consultation:

In a Complimentary Consultation, Dr. Hines and Sherri, our in house lab technician will show you what you could look like with Custom Gorgeous Dentures

When you come in for your Complimentary Consultation, you will receive:

  • A smile evaluation
  • Careful consultation with Dr. Hines
  • An explanation of all your options
  • Answers to all your questions