Welcome to Aesthetic Dental Clinique, Diane I. Hines, DDS

Opening Hours : M-Th 9am - 7pm
  Contact : Southfield 248-358-4000 | Detroit 313-533-6500

Digital X-Rays

Digital X-Rays Help us See Hidden Issues

Digital x-rays or radiographs are essential for diagnosing dental disease and concerns. Dentists use these radiographs to examine teeth, bones, and soft tissue. X-rays help your specialist determine if you have hidden dental problems, such as bone loss, which may be impossible to see just by looking into a patient’s mouth. Taking dental x-rays can also help catch dental disease early and prevent pain and expensive dental treatment.

X-rays use very small amounts of radiation, and exposure to this small amount of radiation is safe. When a patient receives a full mouth series of x-rays, this is equivalent to radiation exposure in everyday life.