Welcome to Aesthetic Dental Clinique, Diane I. Hines, DDS

Opening Hours : M-Th 9am - 7pm
  Contact : Southfield 248-358-4000 | Detroit 313-533-6500


Invisalign is a modern option for those who are seeking orthodontic care. For many, the primary concern for their smile is the appearance of their teeth. With Invisalign®, patients can now receive orthodontic care with clear aligning trays that will improve the appearance of teeth without having to place metal braces. Metal braces can be irritating, restrict consumption of specific foods, and make brushing and flossing a hassle. You can remove Invisalign® trays easily and integrate them into your everyday life.

Invisalign works through the use of removable aligners instead of using the traditional non-removable braces. Many dentists are able to provide Invisalign treatment, so there is no need to go to an orthodontist. Check with your dentist to see if they are able to provide you with this treatment.

When you and dentist decide that Invisalign® is a good treatment for you, your dentist will take impressions and radiographs of your teeth and create a treatment plan for you. Then, your dentist will show you how your teeth will move and shift as your treatment comes along. Depending on the severity of your case, treatment time is variable.

After your dentist creates a treatment plan for you, you’ll receive clear customized tray aligners that fit your teeth. You will be able to remove your tray aligners when eating, brushing and flossing so they do not interfere with your everyday life. Also, we make the aligners with smooth plastic so they do not irritate your cheeks. As a result, you won’t even notice that you are wearing aligners. You will need to replace your aligner trays every two weeks with a new aligner that will help shift your teeth into the next phase of treatment.

Invisalign® advantages:

  • Clear and invisible – no more traditional braces
  • Removable
  • Smooth plastic – no cheek or gum irritation
  • Straightens teeth in a comparable amount of time to traditional metal braces
  • Helps with cases of gaps, overcrowding, crossbites, underbites, overbites