Welcome to Aesthetic Dental Clinique, Diane I. Hines, DDS

Opening Hours : M-Th 9am - 7pm
  Contact : Southfield 248-358-4000 | Detroit 313-533-6500

Porcelain Veneers

Custom made and bonded, porcelain veneers are thin shells fitted to the front surface of your natural  teeth. Dr. Hines and her team will sculpt your porcelain veneers in house during your appointment. Veneers can fix the appearance of your teeth to help correct crooked teeth, severely stained teeth, chipped teeth, teeth with gaps and other dental flaws.

The placement of veneers is generally a two-visit process that requires the dentist to prepare the teeth by removing some of the enamel to ensure that the veneer fits and looks natural. We will also take an impression to determine the size and shape of the veneers. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory where they will create a custom porcelain veneer. During your second visit, the veneer will be bonded to the existing teeth to give you a beautiful smile.

After receiving veneers, you must maintain great oral hygiene. You should treat your new porcelain veneers like normal teeth. To help you maintain your porcelain veneers, your dentist will give you special instructions on how to brush and floss.