Welcome to Aesthetic Dental Clinique, Diane I. Hines, DDS

Opening Hours : M-Th 9am - 7pm
  Contact : Southfield 248-358-4000 | Detroit 313-533-6500

Root Canal Therapy

Details about Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is used to save a tooth when the tissue, blood vessels, and nerves inside of a tooth are inflamed. To save the tooth and reduce pain, the dentist will remove infected tissue to clean out the infected area. The canal inside is then medicated to allow the surrounding area to heal.
Reasons a root canal may be performed:

  • Deep decay
  • Infections at the tip of the root or inside the tooth canal
  • Cracked, broken or injured teeth

Generally, your dentist will place a crown on the tooth after completing the treatment. This will protect the tooth from further damage. Sensitivity after the procedure is generally experienced by many patients and subside when the tooth has healed. When your treatment has been completed, your dentist will provide you with special instructions on how to care for your newly treated tooth.